Venue Guidelines - Lab Innovations Exhibitor Manual

Venue Guidelines

The below information is provided by the venue with the goal of keeping you Safe and Secure. 

Making sure you’re safe and secure

We want to be sure that you and your staff are working in a safe and secure environment. And with so many people involved in every exhibition, it’s important that everyone adheres to a few simple guidelines and rules – so they can all get on with enjoying the NEC experience. Thank you for your co-operation!

  • Keep an eye for unattended bags and packages: If you spot anything you don’t recognise, don’t touch it, please contact the operations team and we’ll check it out for you. 
  • Please carry your pass at all times: To save time, avoid delays on entry and make your life easier, please keep your official identification pass with you throughout build up, open and breakdown. 
  • Traffic Rules: Please follow the instructions of the NEC Traffic or Security Staff. 
    • Look out at all times for fork lift truck movement
    • Don’t park on red lines or yellow hatched areas unless given permission by NEC Traffic or Security Staff for loading and unloading. 
    • Never park on red hatched areas
    • Wear a high visibility bib or jacket when loading or unloading. Be seen and be safe. 

Keep an eye on things

We’re pleased to say that crime levels at the NEC are very low, and we have extensive security measurements in place. But as in every busy environment, it’s important that you also take some simple measures to look after your property. 

  • DO NOT leave your stand unattended during the show
  • Monitor the visitors to your stand
  • Report all crime and concerns, no matter how small
  • Think carefully about how and where you are storing any cash

Intellectual property and copyright

If you don’t want stock or stand photos taken, display a sign saying so. If your product design is valuable, protect it against any copying or theft by being on the lookout for people taking photos, etc. and reporting any concerns immediately to security. 


If you have any further questions regarding health and safety at the venue, please contact the operations team. 


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